Sunday 7 September 2014

Today's news

I decided to spend much time on painting. The more, the better. Today and yesterday I spent 4 hours on it. It provided a benefit. I have something to show!
Plus, as a great secret, I have started a good portrait today. It is already done as a sketch but I want to develop it until it will look like a complete nice painting. Hang on)

And now two words about a portrait below. 
"Brown eyes"

Young purposeful Korean girl in sunlight
This time, and this is something to be proud, it all is pained from imaginary and without any references.
After painting this beauty I can say clearly I need more improving
For example, nose structure needs the particular attention
On the other hand, some details are good enough. 
I painted her lips a little bit better than I did lips before. 
Still have problems with an eye that is in a distance. This time had to redraw it.
Painting don't like redoing. It spoils expression.
So, to sum it up, I still need painting from life. Yet I have improve since I started practicing portraits

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